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How To Buy The PERFECT Fitting Jeans (For Age & Body Type)

 How To Buy The PERFECT Fitting Jeans (For Age & Body Type)

How To Find The Perfect Jeans For Your Age

So, I was reading an interesting report the
other day. It was talking about how jeans
sales are up over 40% when compared to this
time last year.
Now, the fact that sales are up is great for
the economy, great for manufacturers, but
that wasn’t the interesting part.
Now, the interesting part is that people were
upgrading their wardrobe. And by that, I mean
having to buy a bigger size.
My point, when it comes to jeans, gents, make
sure that you’re dressing for the body you
have, not the body you used to have or that
you wish you had.
When it comes to denim, there are certain
styles there are certain fits that work better
for different ages and different body types.
The goal of today’s video, to help you find
the perfect pair of jeans no matter what your
age, no matter what your body type.
Now, gents, understand what I’m providing
in today’s video is a guide. You can wear
any type of jeans at any age with any body
type as long as you can fit into them, but
are they going to look good?
That’s what I’m trying to help you with.
I want to make sure that you avoid some of
the most common mistakes, so that you look

That being said, let’s lay down some ground
rules. Number one, jeans are casual. No such
thing as dress jeans.
Now, you can dress jeans up. You can wear
them with a sports jacket. You can wear them
with a blazer. I’ve seen guys wear the Texas
tux with a tuxedo top, cowboy hat, and boots.
But, that doesn’t mean that the jeans themselves
are a dress piece. Understand that jeans are
always going to make an outfit a bit more
Rule number two, denim becomes even more casual
when it’s lighter in color, whenever it’s
distressed, whenever there are holes purposely
put in there. And I get it, they’re fashion
jeans, they are still ultra casual at this
Rule number three, nail the right fit for
your body type. So, this body type thing matters
a lot more actually than age. Like I said,
you can be an older guy pulling off a younger
style if you’ve got the body for it.
But, if you’re a younger guy and you don’t
have the body for that younger style, it’s
not going to look good. You want to make sure
that you’re wearing jeans that compliment
you build.
Next up, we’ve got the rules on age. They’re
a lot looser and really it comes down to societal
expectations. There are just certain expectations
for older guys versus younger guys. Younger
guys can experiment a lot more.
That being said, if you’ve got the confidence,
if you’ve got the clout, and if you just
simply don’t care and you’re an older
guy, yeah, have fun and wear anything.
Now, this next rule should be obvious, but
when you’re tucking your shirt into your
jeans no matter what your age, you need to
be wearing a belt.

What is the best belt company out there? Gents,
this isn’t really a question. The answer
is Anson Belt and Buckle. Gents, these guys
have been on the mission to eliminate the
belt hole and introduce you to their microadjust
belt system.
Gents, if you haven’t tried wearing one
of their belts, you’re missing out. These
are the most comfortable belts you’re ever
going to wear. Why? Because they adjust down
to the quarter of an inch.
With Anson, you don’t have to worry about
those bends, creases, cracks. No, your belt
strap is going to look great even after a
hundred uses.
And on top of that, let’s talk about interchangeability.
If you’ve watched my videos, you know I
love the interchangeable wardrobe. The idea
that you can own a few pair of jeans, a few
shirts, a few jackets, a few pair of shoes
and if they all work with each other, you
got a lot of combinations there.
The same thing with the Anson Belt and Buckle
system because guess what? All of their straps
work with all of their buckles. So, if you
want to have three buckles, three straps,
you don’t have three different belts, you
have nine different combinations right there.
Free shipping in the US, lifetime guarantee
on functionality, and amazing customer service.
Quick story about customer service. I know
one of you guys a while back cut your belt
too short and you said, “Hey, I’m going
to have to buy another strap.” Dave, he
found out about this, he just sent the guy
a free straps, said, “Hey, no problem. It
happens.” That’s the type of company I
love supporting.

Now, gents, the best deal on their website
is the box set. Normally, this comes with
two straps three buckles or two buckles and
three straps. Well, guess what? Use that link
down in the description of today’s video,
you got a special offer. They’re going to
throw in an extra strap or an extra buckle.
This is a awesome deal, guys and a great way
to just rebuild your belt collection. I mean,
you’re looking at jeans, get the right belt
and they got so many great belts. If you haven’t
been over to their website, tons of selections
on straps, tons of selections on buckles.
Guys, go over to Anson Belt and Buckle, great
company, proud to support them. And, again,
use that link to get the best deal on the
The next rule is to understand your key measurements.
So, when you see jean sizes, in general you
see two measurements. You see the waist and
you see the inseam.
Now, if those were the only two measurements
that matter, buying jeans would be easy, but
there’s a lot of other things you got to
pay attention to.
First up, know that the waist measurement
is not a true waist measurement. 32 does not
mean a 32-inch waist. In fact, this really
depends on the style on the brand, but you’ll
see that it’s a vanity measurement. Basically,
a 35-inch waist wears oftentimes a 32.
Now, the inseam is a little bit more accurate,
but it can be off as much of an inch. What
you want to pay attention to though is the
outseam and the rise. These are really important
because a lot of guys don’t think about
But the height of the jeans, you’re going
see a lot of low rise jeans out there, great
for younger men. A little bit harder to wear
for older guys. And if you’re an older guy,
maybe you want to go for something that’s
going to be mid-waisted.
Higher-waisted jeans, not for everybody, but
if you don’t have much of a butt or, you
know, a little bit older, it could be the
style that you’re looking for.
Last, but certainly not least, we’ve the
thigh measurements. Something a lot of guys
don’t about, but very important if you don’t
skip leg day. You like to spend squatting,
guess what? You want to make sure that you
find a particular style that has more room
right there in the thighs in the buttocks
area, so that you can fit into them and not
tear them whenever, yeah, you get down on
that squat position.
And let’s not forget material. There are
many different qualities of denim. But one
thing that’s pretty easy to spot is is it
cotton or is it going to be made from a synthetic
material or be a blend?
I think blends are great. A hundred percent
cotton are perfectly fine. You never want
to go with anything that’s a hundred percent
synthetic. But, the blend, why would you want
to go for something like that? Because of
the performance and the stretch.
A lot of guys especially if you like something
that fits a little bit closer, you want that
stretch, so you don’t get any tight spots.
Why would you want to go with a hundred percent
cotton? A lot of guys like it. Historically,
this is what jeans were made from. And if
you’re going to go for one of those higher
ends salvage-type jeans, this is what you’re
shooting for.
Now, let’s get into the specifics. So, you’re
wondering, okay, I’m 21 years old, Antonio.
I’m a student and I want the best jeans
for my body type.
Well, here’s the thing. If you’re 21 years
old and you’re a student, you’re probably
in you’re the leanest that you’re ever
going to be in your life.
So, at this point, I’m not saying go skinny
because that’s going definitely out of fashion.
But, it is something that would work if you
ever wanted to consider skinny. That being
said, I think that slim cut jeans are going
to be a great choice for you. Lots of great
brands out there – Levi’s, Uniqlo, H&M,
and Old Navy if you’re on a tight budget.
Now, what about the loose jean trend? I’m
not going to say go overboard here, but I
am saying if you like that style, if you feel
it’s comfortable, if it works for you and
even if you’ve got a leaner slimmer body
build, go ahead and try it.
This is the time as a young man as a student,
you want to experiment at this point. You
don’t have to dress for your body shape
at this age. You can dress more for your wants
and simply just have fun to express yourself.
When it comes to relaxed cuts, I know in Levi’s,
you’re going to have 541s, 550s, 559s, and
Now, I do think that every man needs to have
a pair of well-fitted dark denims, so I’d
say at least have that in your closet. But,
if you’ve got that base piece, don’t be
afraid, again, to experiment maybe with going
something that’s a bit faded, going with
something that’s a little bit of a different
color, going something distressed.
You can have fun, again, at your age and at
this point. And if you really are tight on
funds, go look in thrift stores, look at consignment
shops. Don’t be afraid to grab used. It’s
one of the best ways I think to break free
of trends because used stuff, you find something
that maybe was a trend 30, 40, 50 years ago
and you’re able to get it for pennies on
the dollar.

Next up, we’ve got the 36-year old bad boy.
You know, you’re in the motorcycles, you
like leather jackets, and you really are just
going for that look. You absolutely love it.
So, in this case, I’m going to say stick
with dark denim – black, dark blue, indigo.
You can even maybe go for a dark green or
gray. You’re going for something here that’s
very functional because you’re going to
be getting grease you’re going to be getting
these things dirty.
And you wear them for the function. You also
want something that’s going to be closer
fitting, so you can get on and off the motorcycle.
Now, when it comes to a boot cut. You don’t
go – you need to go for a full-on boot cut,
but you can go for a boot cut. And I think
it works because you’re wearing oftentimes
boots to protect your feet when you’re on
that bike. And, again, you want something
that’s going to also be heavier, something
that can provide some protection from the
road rash.
Next up, I’ve got the 61-year old silver
fox. In fact, you look a lot younger than
your age, you take care of yourself. You’re
a bit of a collector. You love your cars and
you also mentor a number of younger guys around
town as you build up your empire.
At this point, I’m going to say have fun
with your denim. As your hair starts to gray,
as you start to age, your skin gets a little
bit lighter, it doesn’t always have the
color it does, you can start to have fun with
your denim.

You can bring in colors like maybe a dark
red, you can look at a brighter blue. There
are just so many different options out there.
Now, your testosterone levels have most likely
dropped a bit from when you’re in your 20s.
Yes, I know, hard to believe. But, it is something
that will affect the shape of your muscles
in your legs. So, your buttocks maybe a little
bit smaller. This is something you want to
stay away from those low-waisted jeans.
You want to go for something that’s at least
a mid waist, maybe even a little bit higher
waist. Something that fits well on your body
Now, when it comes to brands, Levi’s is
always a great option. But, if you’ve got
a little bit more money to spend, look at
AG. An amazing company for guys over the age
of 50 and maybe even look over at APC.
Now, what about for the 26-year old gym shark?
You know what I’m talking about. You spend
your nights and your mornings in the gym.
You’re putting on the weight. You love investing
in your body and it shows.
But, those thighs, they make it very difficult
to find a pair of jeans that actually fits
you in the waist and in the leg area, because
every time you put on a pair of jeans that
fits you in the leg area, you’ve got like
five inches of extra room right there in the

So, what do you do about this? Well, you could
take it to a tailor to get it adjusted or
you could find a style that fits your body
So, starting off with Levi’s, you got 501s,
you have 508s, and 541s oftentimes work very
well for athletic men.
Wrangler makes an advanced comfort fit you
should check out or over at Old Navy, check
out their athletic fit jeans. Mid tier, we’ve
got Lucky Brand 410 athletics. Also check
out their 363 vintage straights.

Next up, we’ve got the 41-year old professional
man. You want to be able to dress those jeans
up. You want something you could wear into
the office, at the same time that you could
leave the jacket at home and you can just
simply go out with your kids on the weekend.
The key with your jeans here is going to be
simplicity. You want to go with that dark
blue, that indigo. You could also go with
black, but in order for it to work with a
number of things in your wardrobe, you want
to keep it simple, you want to keep it plain.
You want to make sure you don’t go for anything
When it comes to the fit, just don’t go
with extremes. Don’t go with a really super
relaxed fit, don’t go with a tight skinny
fit. Instead, slim fit if that works for your
body profile.
If you’re a little bit heavier putting on
a little bit weight, maybe go for that looser
fit by 59s on Levi’s. Or you could go right
over to the straight cut, which I think is
great especially if you got maybe 10 to 15lbs
extra around the midsection, the straight
cut is still going to look good.
That being said, I still lean towards tapered
cuts and the reason being is it’s going
to work with shoes. Dress shoes in particular,
but even sneakers. Again, the straight cuts,
the looser cuts, they can work with that,
but I just feel it’s a little bit too much
excess material down at the bottom.
But, if you wear boots, if you’ve got shoes
a little bit larger and you decide to dress
them up that way, it can work.
Now, as mentioned, Levi’s makes a wide variety
of those styles, but if you want something
a little bit more affordable, check out Lee.
I think Wrangler is going to be a little bit
too casual, but you can find some options
over there.

Banana Republic actually has some pretty good
jeans and I like that they have a little bit
of stretch on them as well.
Gap, going to be a little bit more affordable.
Not as great a quality, but they’ll get
the job done.

Uniqlo seems to always do things right. And
if you got a store next to, it’s worth checking
them out.
And if you’ve got a bit of a budget, check
out APC, AG, or Naked and Famous.
All right, guys, so what video to watch next?
How about dress shoes and jeans, how to pair
them, how to style them, how to make it work?
In this video, I cover exactly how, so that
you don’t go out there and make some style,
yeah, you don’t want to make the style mistakes.
Guys, check out this video, I make it simple
for you. Yeah, click on it. Boom, right there.
Yeah, go check it out.