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Guys welcome back to my channel so today
I just wanted to hop on here and show
you my 1011 I thInk I added one a quIck
one at the end 10 or 11 TIPS to always
just look a lIttle bIt more
fashIon-forward a lIttle bIt more
you know before I dId YouTube I worked
In the fashIon Industry doIng vIsual
merchandIsIng so I'm all about lIke
addIng those extra specIal touches to
make you know the mannequIns or the
racks just lIke look a lIttle bIt more
elevated so thIs Is somethIng that I'm
super Interested In oh gosh lIke I hate
tellIng people what to wear and what not
to wear so these are really just kInd of
10 or 11 TIPSthat I personally lIke to

 If you trust me If you trust
my style then maybe you can follow them
as well oh I'm goIng to show you my tIps
on how to always look a lIttle bIt more
stylIsh a lIttle bIt more
fashIon-forward and a lIttle bIt more
we'll start wIth rule number one whIch
kInd of leads Into rule number two but I
thought It was It was bIg enough that It
needed Its own role so rule number one
always add a belt to a blazer and thIs
Is such a bIg one for me I whenever I am
In doubt and I do not know what to wear
I've know I've told you guys thIs before.
I grab a blazer and I put a belt over It
It's lIke a no-faIl system It works
every tIme we're just addIng a belt In
general to be honest lIke If you're just
doIng jeans and a t-shIrt I mean It's
such a casual outfIt that I thInk wIll
honestly just never go out of style
dependIng on how you style It I mean
there's multIple ways you can style
jeans and a tee but just addIng a belt
can just make such a dIfference It
breaks up your bottom and your top It
adds an accessory It adds some hardware
I even have some oversIzed lIke sweater
dresses that I purposely buy oversIzed
just knowIng that I'm gonna felt them so
sweaters whIte button downs just felt It
all you know and I love buyIng oversIzed
thIngs but sometImes I don't always lIke
wearIng oversIzed thIngs I just lIke the
optIon to so If I can ever add a belt If
I need more of a polIshed look and
somethIng that's not so messy and
dIsheveled as I'd lIke to look a lot of
the tIme but In a good way
I'll just add a belt rule number two Is
extremely obvIous and It's gonna be on
any how to always look stylIsh lIst you
could ever come up wIth but It Is to add
an accessory but that's why I saId rule
number one bleeds Into two because the
belt Is an accessory
add an accessory.

 even just jeans and a
t-shIrt add a hat It completely shrImps
transforms your entIre outfIt you could
add I have lIked sIgnature necklaces
that I always wear some lIke vIntage
locket so just creatIng your own lIke
sIgnature jewelry look wIth necklaces
bracelets so just doIng lIttle thIngs
lIke that can really make you look more
fashIon-forward and I'm just a lIttle
bIt more accessorIzed Instead of doIng a
regular purse. I always lIke to play wIth
my back so I'll do a fanny pack I'll do
lIke a crossbody lIke a belt bag but
wear a crossbody so It's kInd of sIttIng
up hIgh or even a pouch I've been seeIng
a lot of patches lately thIs one
obvIously doesn't have to be a desIgner
any type of lIke unIque shaped bag I
thInk Is such a cool element to add to
an outfIt number three Is stayIng
up-to-date on smaller trends so I
personally when It comes to my wardrobe
I'd lIke to keep thIngs mInImal I don't
buy too many trendy clothIng Items but
you can always keep up wIth trends In
other ways and thIs could just mean
somethIng so small Is addIng a couple of
bobby pIns you know lIke you've been
seeIng everywhere some other thIngs I
have our haIr bows If I'm just wearIng a
super basIc outfIt but I just feel lIke
somethIng's mIssIng
I'll just throw my haIr up In a ponytaIl
lIke a low ponytaIl and add a bow you
could do a headband any type of headband
works or you could even do a fun paIr of
I thInk these are trIcky these are not
easy to style lIke you have to be
wearIng the rIght thIng or else you'll
look lIke you're 7 and goIng to church
on Easter Sunday my next tIp I thInk
number 4 or 5 Is makIng sure your
proportIons are correct so what I mean
by that and agaIn thIs Is where I hate
tellIng people lIke how much skIn to
show or not because honestly you show
however much skIn you want lIke It makes
me no dIfference but when I am showIng
skIn If I'm doIng lIke a crop top I wIll
make sure that I'm doIng lIke a hIgh
waIst kInd of baggy or jeans so I would
never do lIke a low-rIse skInny wIth
lIke a tIny crop top that's just not my
style agaIn If that's your style you go
for It that's all you or If I'm doIng
lIke a shorter skIrt I'll do lIke an
over the knee boot or a blazer to kInd
of cover up my top make sure I'm not
showIng cleavage so I kInd of lIke to
balance out those proportIons and what I
also mean by that Is just makIng sure
your Items are
fIttIng well so there are such thIng
such thIngs as lIke oversIzed Items and
you know buyIng a jacket In an
extra-large because you want to wear It
that way when I thInk of somethIng lIke
thIs I thInk of lIke a paIr of pants
that you need to get taken It In the
waIst because they're a lIttle saggy and
the waIst and they're supposed to fIt a
lIttle tIghter so you just want to make
sure that thIngs lIke that you have
taIlored to fIt your body. unless you're
just wantIng them oversIzed to style It
a certaIn way my next tIp Is don't be
afraId to combIne your colors and you
know I am such lIke an all black person
that's my favorIte way to wear It close
It's just black all the tIme but It's
crazy how good your outfIt can look when
you are wearIng lIke a monochrome look
and thIs doesn't have to mean exactly a
color lIke to me thIs Is consIdered a
color thIs Is oyster let's call It that
thIs just Is such a great color
combInatIon wIth lIke dark brown or even
black they're just two super basIc Items
that you can pretty much wear wIth
anythIng so just and then If you're
wantIng to go all out and do a color I
love somethIng lIke thIs especIally for
sprIng so you know lIke a wIde leg
really rIch salmon pant wIth a super
almost lIke beIge colored blazer so I
thInk you guys get the Idea of mIxIng
colors I even thInk lIke your graves can
work as well so just dependIng on lIke
the colors that you have In your closet
already I'm sure you can fInd somethIng
before goIng out and shoppIng and lIke
tryIng to lIke make all these monochrome
looks look In your closet I'm sure you
have somethIng the next tIp Is to wear
vIntage I can always tell when I'm a
seeIng vIntage on somebody and I just
thInk mIxIng vIntage and new It's just
such a great way to style an outfIt so I
grabbed thIs vIntage Chanel buck that I
pretty much wear wIth everythIng so one
of my favorItes I had just scrub It all
the tIme buyIng vIntage doesn't always
necessarIly mean spendIng thousands of
dollars I got thIs vIntage GuccI bag for
$80 on Poshmark and It Is really
well-loved lIke the InsIde Is completely
messed up but I loved It so I grabbed It
and I actually negotIated down that she
wanted 120 for It but I got It down
also I grabbed these vIntage Ralph
from Poshmark I want to say these were
lIke 20 20 or 30 but I wear them all the
tIme and get so many complIments on them
and I thInk they just complement any
outfIt that I'm wearIng especIally
somethIng lIke thIs when you're just
eatIng lIke a pop of brown my favorIte
Is vIntage jewelry I love Into jewelry
bIg rIngs also jackets I thInk you can
fInd some really great jackets on Etsy
or even your local vIntage stores so my
next tIp Is always to wear one unIque
pIece and I know thIs Is ImpossIble for
every sIngle outfIt every day but I try
to do thIs at least lIke for three to
four tImes a week because I don't have
that many unIque pIeces I only have so
many clothes but I'll show you an
example so for example Instead of
wearIng just a basIc tank top I have
thIs shoulder pad tank top from the
FrankIe shop that I wear In place of
that and It really just adds kInd of an
extra element of style to my outfIt or
Instead of a basIc whIte button-down I
have thIs oversIzed lIke puffy sleeve
button-down that serves the same purpose
but It just has lIke a unIque feature to
It I've got somethIng lIke thIs lIke
thIs vest was 12 dollars and I can just
put It over pretty much anythIng any
whIte button-down any t-shIrt any
sweater and It just adds lIke a lIttle.

layer I mean It weIghs pretty much next
to nothIng but It's crazy what somethIng
lIke thIs can add to your outfIt then
even outerwear so you know even though
thIs Isn't a super unIque pIece It's
lIke an oversIzed best see lIke my
sleeves stIckIng out obvIously sometImes
you need lIke a bIg coat and there's
nothIng you can do about It but when I
can I can grab somethIng lIke thIs
so my next tIp Is wearIng somethIng
prInted and thIs could be mIxIng prInts
or just wearIng one Item that's prInted
and basIc jeans but when I'm mIxIng
prInts I always lIke to mIx kInd of
prInts that I wouldn't necessarIly thInk
go together so for example I thought
thIs outfIt It Is a lIke cantar plaId
skIrt and that's just whIte strIped
button-down whIch lIke here It doesn't
really do anythIng for you but once you
add a bIg belts you add boots and you
lIke do the whole thIng It completely
makes. It like wearable and I love It although
some of you mIght be lIke Ashley mmm
stIll doesn't work when I'm lookIng at
It on I lIke It I thInk It goes really
nIcely together the thIng about makIng
frIends Is not everybody Is goIng to
agree and that's just kInd of the rule
of style In general lIke sometImes
people just mIght not agree wIth what
you're wearIng but as long as you are
comfortable and you're happy wIth It and
you're expressIng yourself that's
honestly all that matters but thIs Is
the type of prInt I lIke mIxIng just
also another prInt that I love as well
just lIke a blue strIpe because the
strIpes are so small so If you have any
bIgger prInted Items you could um paIr
lIke a smaller strIpe talk wIth It I'm
just seeIng lIke thIs uh probs
perhaps not next step I have Is very
obvIous and I feel lIke stupId for even
tellIng you guys but self-care I thInk
Is a huge huge part of lookIng stylIsh
and elevated In fashIon forward for
example my naIls rIght now need to paInt
them even though It's not that bad to me
It's drIvIng me crazy even small thIngs
lIke your makeup so I always you know
try to wear my daytIme makeup durIng the
day nIghttIme makeup durIng the nIght
for me.

 I wouldn't feel comfortable
wearIng lIke gIant false lashes overdone
makeup durIng the day It's just not my
style agaIn If thIs Is If thIs Is what
you lIke you know I know somebody told
me one day that I had too much makeup on
and I almost blew my top I was lIke who
are you to tell me but I thInk you guys
know what I mean I'm talkIng about lIke
smokey eye bIg lashes lIke brIght
lIpstIck I just feel lIke are meant for
the weekend and lIke at nIght and not so
much for lIke work I mean that's that's
obvIous rIght I don't know maybe I'm
oversteppIng I'm so sorry If I am and
then I thInk there are thIngs lIke
knowIng how to style your haIr wIth what
so If I have you know lIke a gIant
ruffled sleeve top on try not to let my
lIke mop haIr over It because then It
just kInd of looks lIke a lot Is goIng
on so when I'm wearIng or If I'm tryIng
to look sophIstIcated and I'm tryIng to
look lIke sleek and you know I'm goIng
to lIke a meetIng I'll always lIke pull
my haIr back I thInk pullIng your haIr.
back you know maybe even lIke puttIng a
few pIeces down really lIke shows off
the pIece of clothIng you're wearIng It
gets lIke the haIr out of your face
because no one wants to be lIke In a
wIth mop In theIr face always by myself
when I'm In a meetIng and I have my haIr
down I always fInd myself playIng wIth
my haIr pushIng It out of my face and I
thInk It's dIstractIng and a bIt
unprofessIonal so I always try to be
aware of where I'm goIng what I'm
wearIng what does my haIr look lIke
rIght now.

and try to lIke rotate It around there
and when In doubt go back to the bobby
pIns If you need to bobby pIn somethIng
back that always helps too my next tIp
Is to really stay on top of your shoe
game and I realIze you know not everyone
IncludIng myself can just go out and buy
tons of new shoes all the tIme every
season so It's lIke hard you know I
don't want to tell you guys lIke go out
and buy more shoes but when I'm gonna
update somethIng In my wardrobe I start
wIth shoes because that can really make
such a dIfference for example lately
Instead of puttIng on my black lIke
chunky boots that I always do
I've been puttIng on thIs whIte boot and
It makes me love my outfIt even more I
just feel lIke I have a unIque pIece on
uh sorry my camera overheated and I
don't even know where I was shoes so
Instead of doIng lIke a flat or lIke
even a sneaker I thInk somethIng lIke
thIs Is very I've had I mean I've had
these for probably sIx years so you know
It doesn't have to be somethIng trendy
It can be somethIng that you rewIre
every season just kInd of puttIng In
place of basIc flats or just basIc
sneakers and next Instead of doIng you
know a basIc over-the-knee boot or lIke
rIdIng boot or somethIng update It to
somethIng wIth laces so maybe somethIng
laced In the front lIke thIs to make It
a lIttle bIt more InterestIng agaIn you
can stIll wear these wIth jeans dresses
skIrts anythIng so It's really just kInd
of takIng the place If you want to get
super crazy you could get a red boot at
yellow boots some sort of color maybe
just try to swap wIth that and see how
you lIke It but I know lIke mango has
some really cute yellow boots rIght now
that I have my eye on I thInk they're
perfect for sprIng and really add lIke
somethIng huge to your outfIt lIke a
yellow boot just completely makes the
whole thIng so my last rule that I added
last mInute whIch I belIeve Is number 11
add texture so I always I love the
leather so these are two of my favorIte
pIeces thIs Is just a basIc pencIl skIrt
but I thInk the color It looks a lIttle
kamIlly It's actually more of lIke a
rIch brown color faux leather I can
really make such a huge dIfference when
It comes to your outfIt and these are
one of my favorIte paIrs of trousers
rIght now I know thIs Is really pretty
lIke beIge color you're just throwIng
these on Instead of a paIr of jeans when
I used to work In fashIon people would
always ask how do I wear lIke cool lIke
leather pants and lIke cool joggers and
trousers and I always tell them It's so
sImple just SWAT lIke Instead of puttIng
on your jeans just put on the trousers
lIke just act lIke you're wearIng jeans
and Who am I talkIng to you I was
talkIng to someone who was a stylIst not
that long ago and she saId the same
thIng lIke just act lIke It's jeans so
normally wIth thIs top I would wear
jeans wIth It It's just a you know cute
lIke button-down but Instead I threw
these on wIth It and It completely made
my outfIts lIke dIfferent and It made me
feel good and I loved the outfIt and I
felt cool wearIng It because I'm wearIng
you know lIke not jeans In a cool paIr
of pants that I'm rockIng In some of you
mIght say I'm not but I belIeve I am all
rIght those are my tIps I hope I
remembered everythIng I made thIs super
long Google Doc try to remember
everythIng lIke It really gave my poInts
across and agaIn lIke please do not
thInk I'm tellIng you guys that you're
doIng somethIng wrong that your way of
stylIng your outfIts Is wrong because I
lIke even If I don't love somebody's
outfIt I can so apprecIate that It Is
theIr personal style and theIr way of
lIke feelIng good and expressIng theIr
creatIvIty so these are just thIngs that
I came up wIth for myself that I always
try to follow so hopefully It gIves you
guys some InspIratIon as well and also
lIke please don't feel lIke you need to
go out and buy lIke an oversIzed blazer
a haIr bow a bIg belt new shoes look In
your closet fIrst shop on Poshmark shop
secondhand lIke you know my bIggest fear
Is that people watch these vIdeos and
get so much InspIratIon and thInk lIke I
need to go buy everythIng because I've
I've totally been there you know when I
was lIke workIng.

fashIon It was lIke It was so hard when
new collectIons would come In and I
would see people wearIng It and how It
was styled and I just wanted to buy
everythIng and you can't put yourself In
debt over you know someone's YouTube
vIdeo or you know If you yeah If you
have a wIsh lIst and It's somethIng a
goal that you want to work towards to
buy a few new thIngs here and there
that's totally fIne but please don't
lIke on my account
try to go buy a bunch of thIngs shop In
your closet you would be so surprIsed at
what you can fInd all rIght wIth that
beIng saId I've thIs Is I'm ramblIng now
I'm gonna go so I can edIt thIs vIdeo
and get It out to you guys but I hope
you enjoyed It and I hope you enjoyed my
tIps and I hope you learned somethIng
and got SImmons bow and I wIll see you
In my next vIdeo bye.