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Men's Fashion Transformation 2021

 Men's Fashion Transformation 2021

Good afternoon gentlemen
I'm Ollie Pearce you may have seen me on
some of Hayley's other videos basically
I helped Hayley's clients give their
image and sense of style and furthermore
we also help to take pictures of guys
and shoot them for their online dating
profile so: Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Match.com
and whatnot so in a moment we're
going to be joined by one of Haley's
clients: Chris,

 who's just off camera over

there he's going to join me in a second
and we are going to be looking at
Chris's online dating profile
which I don't think is up to much right now
and we're going to be doing a new one so
I'm gonna help first to style Chris to
give him a few new looks because the
image and the style the aesthetic
element of an online dating profile is
incredibly important and a lot of guys
don't realize that their image really
dictates who they are and how sexy they
are the female to the opposite sex
and then of course we are going to hit
some find locations around London town
and show you how we're gonna shoot the
lovely Chris who you're about to meet to
show him in his best light combining the
best outfits with the best locations and
the best posing so my credentials for
this are I'm a professional stylist and
image consultant.

 so I'm gonna help them

with the styling elements I've also been
a top fleet male model fashion model for
the last ten years so I've traveled
internationally shooting high-end
fashion brands and then finally from
those two worlds I've learned a lot
about photography so I'm gonna take the
pictures and we're gonna make this a
mini fashion shoot and we're gonna get
Chris an amazing profile which is
guaranteed to get dates and then after
this is all done the end of series we're
gonna have a chat of Chris to see in
about five six weeks times how those
results have been all right Chris let's
have a look at Chris now so this is
Chris wearing a drab boring old sure
I've got to say for a star I'm not gonna
have a go at Chris's general image right
now because we're not shooting this but
we will in a moment look at his current
dating profile and see what I think of

where he could be going wrong or make
improvements so this is Chris let's have
a look at your dating profile bro okay
so the first picture we've got Chris
here the first thing I see is the
resolution is terrible
poor camera, poor quality, poor subject
basically you know if you have a low
quality camera the pictures a low
quality it interprets a lot about your
life then to his expression is just too
similar to that of the ancient artifact
behind him just looks ridiculous
highlighting a bad expression as well
the similarity of the smile making his
nose look massive as well because it
looks like the artifact also just
doesn't look good in this his jaw looks
huge as far to closer the clothes are
also not very cool-looking just a bad
picture in general alright next here he
looks like a Victorian drunk like Oliver
Twist or something
the pipe the hat.

really really terrible literally like an
alcoholic doesn't fit in well the jacket, I guess it's meant to be a fun
outfit but you can hardly tell there and
the backing of this kind of shitty
looking puppies in the wallpaper really
just has the vibe of a an old alcoholic
from a bygone era terrible picture next
so finally we've got him being outshined
by a waxwork of Daniel Craig
first things first don't have a better
looking better dressed taller waxwork in
your pictures most the girls are going
to fancy that waxwork more than him to
the styling is badly done Chris is in
great shape yeah it looks a bit chubby
here but good the top too tight and too
long the tops also terrible as is the
white top on top of the shirt styling
just all off facial expression is
probably the best in this picture but
also doing in no justice so again yeah
another bad picture there okay alright
so Chris is back with our first look
let's call this our autumnal gentleman
English gentleman look right so what
we've gone for we've gone for the roll
neck the turtleneck the cable neck
whatever you want to call it jumper it's
a thick knit you can see it's got some
sort of detail on it and it's a nice
thick worn jumper it is
obviously full autumn whatever winter
here in the UK then on top we've got
this tweed overcoats.

it's got a very sort of minor check on
it it's a really beautiful jacket and
it's got that really really high-end
gentlemen feel especially when combined
with the roll net jumper the blue goes
very nicely of the sort of mixture of
Green Bay G or ng tweed colours got a
real London look there and it's a very
smart casual look you could wear this in
the daytime out to lunch you can wear
this to work if you've got a casual
dress code or you could definitely wear
this to a bar out on a date for dinner
this look says it all so this is why
it's going to work so well for Chris's
online dating profile as well because it
signifies a high-end successful
professional mature man but who is also
cool is aware of his fashion how to
dress smart casual and knows what's
going on in a place that London this
style is in it's funky is current which
says a lot about him and what kind of
man is okay and that brings me on to a
good point there right even though I'm
shooting these pictures professionally
obviously I'm going to shoot them on
professional equipment I'm going to edit
them of professional equipment I'm also
a professional stylist using my
knowledge in fashion to style him
professionally and I'm a professional
model and I'm going to help him to pose
a professional guidance the key to these
shoots is they don't look professional
okay so we are back with Chris and this
is rock and roll Chris badass Chris you
feeling badass Chris he's feeling bad
alright kids that's what we like to hear
so let's have a look at what Chris is
wearing we have got a pair of imitation
aviators that's what ray-ban makes our
radiators these aren't actually Chris's
these are a pair which we use in the
studio for shoots but I'm gonna
recommend Chris get some perfect to his
face in this style it goes they look
perfectly let's move on down we've kept
Chris's little medallion change or
anything I like that it's got some
hippie vibes and I think it's cool I
also like Chris's tap popping out and
that is w.
hy we've gone for this scoop.

if he was wearing a normal round neck
t-shirt you wouldn't see that bit of
tattoo detail there so we've gone to All
Saints where this is from and got a
scoop neck tee scoop neck on top of it
we've got the plain black denim shirt
all right super in right now it looks
very badass very rock and roll and it
goes with the whole outfit know how
we've rolled the sleeves up to show off
Chrissy's ridiculously muscular forearms
and these all we've given him so look at
your hand there Chris other side we've
got the black ring black and silver onyx
ring and then we've got the accessories
also black and silver going nicely with
the rock and roll look and it's a look
at Chris's watch that's his own watch
which again is black and silver and
going down into another silver ring
we've put on there let's go over and I'm
looking at Chris's belt you just pull
that over on the right hand side yeah
look at this cool belt my favorite belt
again a rock-and-roll belt more silver
metal mixed in with leather going with
all the accessories so let's have a look
now his hand his belt together look up
all that looks alright that's working
nicely now we've hand down the legs and
we've got a pair of super skinny black
jeans of rips in the knees
alright finally we have the black
Chelsea boots so this is our second look
for Chris's new wardrobe right and this
is the rock and roll look badass
alright cool okay greased lightning
alright he's back so here's Chris he's
looking rock'n'roll as fuck absolutely
love it it's working okay so let's see
what we've got going on here we've got a
plain black hoodies the cheap one from
H&M over that we have got the vintage
rock and roll leather jacket alright
this is the piece de resistance this is
the main bit of the look I got this in a
vintage shop in a vintage leather shop
in East London which is the sort of
fashion district here and we hooked that
up for Chris it looks great note the
little cord coming around like a belt
right that's really cool and all the
metal details and stuff all very cool so
the next element we've added in is this
leather bag alright let's have a look at
that Christian I've shown that all right
so this leather man bag is these bags
you hold in your arm down by your side
like some legendary tough assassin slash
fashion guy slash gym guy so this is the
only bag you should have if you're
carrying a sports rucksack or a
briefcase that's a big no-no this is a
cool trendy fashionable man's bag so you
got this leather one's going with the
outfit let's have one more look at Chris
then that is Chris's rock'n'roll Street
look all right looking wicked let's go
so basically today we have the right
clothes the right wardrobe we're gonna
take Chris out into London and we're
gonna be shooting him in various
locations all over the capital combining
the styling I've helped him with with
some posing .

I didn't mention I'm also a

professional fashion model on early
helping him to pose and get the right
expressions combining that with styling
I'm also a professional stylist we shoot
the ultimate dating profile so let's hit
the streets let's get out there and
let's embarrass Chris in public by
making him pose like a model in very
public prominent places like London
Bridge let's go okay boys so here we are
we're out and about ready to shoot we
have come purposely to an iconic London
tube station because we're going to try
and get a really nice sort of relaxed -
real feeling picture with Chris here
stepping off the tube the train that is
in London may be chilling out by the
train sign here nice and iconic as well
the styling is done well this isn't
actually showed you earlier in the
studio because we wanted to put Chris in
one extra one so they can shoot a few
more extra pictures as we go to the
planned location so we've got this nice
denim shearling jacket and it's cool we
roll neck on so right now Chris we're
going to shoot you here I'm going to do
a few tips on how to pose first
so obviously I've got a lot of
experience in
we're gonna help Chris here to really
get the right body posture and
expressions we're going to find the
right ones to each client when we do
these shoots so first things first
are you want to think of yourself on a
string so you keep your whole posterior
chain your back your vertebrae very
straight and take advantage of your full
prowl masculine physique so taking that
in mind keeping my spine really straight
let's have you like this Chris so spine
straight let's put one leg up casually
like that let's curl the fingers in the
pocket and they'll have your fingers
like that it looks weird that looks more
relaxed and then have Chris looking out
from the Train like this probably maybe
that way that's the kind that we're
going for all right Chris so let's try
that poses get you in here yes so when
we keep that spine nice and straight
let's relax these fingers a little bit
here yeah I'll direct you while we're
doing don't worry
so get off there touch this ready
go eyes to me
and again quicker on the north one step
on one step off and again ice to me one
more look lit and pass me just have you
getting off imagine you don't know
you're being shot it's very natural you
just in court shooting one little step
up the Train one two bang on again one
two like this kind of thing so you're
imagining what we don't want to saying
obvious and cheesy so - that's what I'm
don't want ya have to be very sort of
cool so look
look down to there get that spine
arching forwards I for me relax it smile
no relax that mouth that's nice that's
the small critter
tensho arms you get off look pass me
smile I get off next one tense the guns
really tense tense that left arm big
time eyes to me yeah really good yeah
yeah really good really good look at
this that's the kind of fucking picture
you want well your eyes a bit close at
this madness of the train really nice so
that's the kind of picture on the trains
iconic it's in movement this picture
looks totally natural all right so
really good and their physiques
incredible it's by the way January right
now it's absolutely freezing he's cold
but we do it for the are and the love so
check these ones out ok guys so here we
are in central London as you can see
this is Piccadilly Circus and some of
the most iconic backdrops in the whole
of England so that's the change location
so we've got some more of these grand
backdrops as I said remember the key to
a good dating profile is the way you
look so these chains crisps up now he's
got this evening look on loving this
blazer right so he looks really striking
the idea is he's a man about town maybe
socialising restaurants clubs here he is
the great backdrop spot he is the focus
if he doesn't look good
the location means nothing but this will
serve to help to increase attention and
catch the eye we went when people are
swiping through
that's not working either let's go
so now Chris relax the mouth and the
eyes all right now remember that caramel
look don't squint
Chindi here
okay Chris all right sorry stay in there
let's have you sleeves up a little bit
one hand in the pocket slightly sideways
onto me like this I can still see a
chest and a little smile you're out and
about it's an evening out you're about
to go out so like that that's the vibe
yeah all right so one hand in the pocket
yeah just relax it a little bit turn the
shoulder of it to the left right
shoulder to me yeah
all right don't bend your knees bring
your foot in a bit closer
all right foot direction to me yeah
now look towards andreas
ice to me smile
okay so here we are now on Westminster
Bridge I believe is that right you tell
that's the house the Parliament the home
of English democracy more iconic shots
we've got Chris and this rather
gentleman outfit the colors will go
really nicely with the backdrop
something else we do on purpose the
beige is actually match the bricks on
the houses of parliament trying to mix
up the colors of the locations but as
you said it's about the facial
expression so we're going to shoot Chris
here looking sexy as hell let's do it
so here we are in the outdoor workout
area of my local park
it's gonna get a really cool sort of
street workout image we're gonna get
Chris to take his top off he's gonna be
freezing that's life
all right so let's get a few body shots
let's do it okay that's good let's try
it your face it your body sideways
angles the Sun other way yeah so the
light comes off your abs like that all
right cool cool very cool all right
straighten the back up bum onto the onto
the big bar remember you're on a string
spying always straight don't worry
looking really good you look - very neat
all right don't worry put that foot down
that's not working yeah shoulders back
all right tension lower layer exhale
from your your sternum that's it that
lower layer 10th for you Chris okay so
we are back with Chris back in the
studio it's been about five weeks since
Chris's shoot and we're here to see his
results so Chris tell us how's it been
phenomenal phenomenal all right it's
gone from let's say if my level was used
to be that rocketed rocketed yeah it's
been yeah thing you realize difference I
think the main change has been the
amount of match of course tripled our
triple triple and go so I'm matching
with are now the ones I fancy more a
higher quality Krista gentleman I'm
trying to be nice but I'm not so he's
getting loads of hot chicks now yeah I
mean Chris is a great looking guys but a
good sense of fashion his pitches were
not good before all right because it's
not a Hollywood actor he's a normal guy
looking for an average guy in some and
society this is the power of what we all
have right as it changes it from tripled
it phenomenal you're saying yeah so that
you go from sort of a normal guy.

contending with all the other normal
guys the 80% of men in a place that
London you jump into that premiere
category which chris has done now simply
from having professional pictures in the
right image and style distinguished
distinguish yourself eeeh.